A nontraditional occupation (NTO) is any job in which your gender makes up less than 25 percent of the workforce — for example, women in the skilled trades or men in healthcare. We love seeing our students break through barriers in industries historically dominated by one gender. Those working in NTOs may find:
Explore careers in IT through interactive, hands-on activities in three dynamic breakout sessions.
Saturday, April 12, 2025
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Building L Lobby800 Main Street53072
Contact Name (required)
Email Address (required)
Phone Number*
Date of Birth (required)
Gender Prefer not to respondFemaleNonbinaryMale
Which WCTC program(s) are you interested in? (required)
Are you a current WCTC student? (required)
Yes No
Have you recently applied to WCTC? (required)
Yes, within the past six months Yes, longer than six months ago No, not yet!
Which of the following would you like assistance with? Select all that apply.
Program/Degree Exploration Academic Planning And Program Requirements Admissions Process Career Exploration Financial Aid/Scholarships Placement Testing Accessibility/Accommodations Credit for Prior Learning Course Registration Other
Are you interested in any of the following? Select all that apply.
Connecting with other students in your field of study Connecting with employers in your field of study Connecting with an instructor in your field of study Attending a workshop in your field of study
Any additional notes you'd like to share?
Thanks for submitting your information! A member of WCTC's Enrollment team will be in touch soon.