Graphics Club
Graphics Club is designed for students who are dedicated to pursuing careers in the graphic arts and printing fields and provides members with publishing opportunities through periodic publications of a student journal.
Advisor: David Espurvoa
Health Information Student Club
This club promotes the health information management professions through service to the community and social interactions; opportunities for leadership development; and the mentoring of colleagues within the Health Information Technology and Medical Coding Specialist programs.
Advisor: Cheryl Evans
Hospitality, Baking and Culinary Club
This club promotes professionalism among club members, develops and uses club resources and talents to increase members’ knowledge of the hospitality/culinary industry, and improves human relations through club and industry interaction.
Advisor: Jack Birren
Information Technology Club (IT Club)
Get involved and apply skills from the classroom to the real world. Club members participate in service-learning projects, emerging technology exploration, aspects of global business technology and professional development opportunities. This innovative club is part of the Business Information Technology department and welcomes any WCTC student interested in gaining additional knowledge and valuable real-world experience. The club meets twice a month in the L Building and meeting times are announced via Canvas and MyWCTC.
Advisors: William Barkhaus
Interior Design Club
This club explores, gathers and shares ideas through the achievements and goals set by the club. It also raises funds to offset costs for field trips, guest speaker honorariums and community service projects.
Advisors: Julie Harton, Anna Janke
Medical Assistant Club (MAC)
This club develops leadership skills, fosters teamwork and citizenship, provides a liaison between MA students and other campus organizations, promotes occupational education, and develops community service and recreational, social and cultural activities.
Advisor: Jamie Billyard
Multicultural Student Union
The Multicultural Student Union (MSU) advocates for the empowerment of marginalized and traditionally underrepresented identities. It works to increase the invisibility of the difficulties facing these students and appoints members to key governance positions at WCTC.
Advisors: Cyndy Taormino
Nail Academy Student Union
The WCTC Nail Academy Student Union provides an opportunity to pursue a career in the art and science of manicuring. We aim to lay a foundation in both theory and practice that will prepare our students for an exciting journey leading to high self-esteem and a quality lifestyle. We strive to exceed not only what is expected from us, but also what we expect of ourselves.
Advisor: Karen Damore
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)
The NTHS recognizes students who have earned a 3.0 GPA or above in a one- or two-year degree or diploma program. This honor society promotes leadership, honesty, career development and skilled workmanship. Students are rewarded for their achievements and encouraged to set educational and career goals.
Advisor: Karen Ziegler
Nursing Club (Alpha Delta Nu)
This club offers Nursing students support, information, service and leadership opportunities, camaraderie and friendship.
Advisors: Amber Grant, Cassie Prohaska
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
This is WCTC’s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for two-year colleges. Students are invited to join and attend the PTK ceremony held during the fall semesters.
Advisor: Karen Ziegler
Real Estate Club
This dynamic group promotes hands-on, real-life learning experiences related to the real estate field through guest speakers, dinner presentations and real estate-related site visits. Students interested in real estate as a hobby or a career can network with classmates with a mutual interest and meet professionals in the field.
Advisor: Jenny Wiktorek
Surgical Technologists Club (Scrub Club)
The Scrub Club strives to develop and increase the social interaction skills of members by working together. It provides opportunities for field studies and educational experiences and encourages community involvement through contacts and donations to charitable organizations.
Advisors: Carrie Galecke, Jessica Donahue
Waukesha Collegiate HOSA
The Waukesha Collegiate HOSA chapter is designed for those interested in expanding their knowledge in a variety of healthcare fields. HOSA is a student-led global organization that provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation and recognition to students enrolled in health and biomedical sciences.
Student members will have opportunities to participate in leadership conferences, competitive events, skills challenges, volunteer opportunities, service projects and more. This club is perfect for health, pre-health, EMS and other students interested in health careers.
Advisor: Angela Lee
Submit Interest Form
Web Club
This club is for students dedicated to pursuing careers in the web design and web development fields. Learn new techniques and best practices in web design and network with other students interested in the profession.
Advisors: Catherine Rozek, Tyler Kowalchuk