Campus Climate
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at WCTC

Campus Climate

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A Place for You 

At WCTC, we recognize cross-cultural engagement, access, inclusion and belonging as core institutional values. These values drive our decision-making, resource allocation and the development of our policies and practices. We strive to create a working and learning environment that is welcoming to all.


The feeling of security and support that stems from inclusion, acceptance and identity for members of a group.


Equal access to a high-quality education, a safe environment for learning and a diverse student body that embraces all student experiences.


The degree to which all individuals in a community are welcomed, valued, respected, heard and able to participate.

Belonging, Access and Cultural Engagement (BACE)

WCTC’s Office of BACE advocates for College community members while emphasizing the importance of respect, cross-cultural relationships and identity.

kids playing together


To promote inclusive learning and working environments for WCTC students and employees.

Multiculteral Engagement Center

Our work is guided by these themes:

  • Communication
    Advocate for belonging, access and inclusion.
  • Professional Development
    Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for WCTC employees.
  • Recruitment, Representation and Retention
    Increase recruitment of underrepresented candidates, and representation and retention for students and employees.
  • Psychological Safety
    Commit to providing a discrimination-free and harassment-free working and learning environment.

Sherry Simmons, Chief Culture and Compliance Officer

Dennis Jackson, Director, Cultural Engagement and Compliance