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Sexual Misconduct Policies and Resources

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Sexual misconduct includes sexual assault (rape and any kind of nonconsensual sexual contact), sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, voyeurism and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual, or has the purpose or effect of threatening, intimidating or coercing another person. 

WCTC takes a strong stance against sexual misconduct and prohibits all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, intimidation and coercion on campus and at College-related activities and functions. The College seeks to create and maintain a campus free from sexual misconduct through education, programming, training for students and staff, clear policies and consistent sanctions for any violation of these policies.

The College’s Title IX coordinator and a cross-functional committee assist in ensuring compliance. The Office of Human Resources, along with the Office of Student Life, provides trained investigators to address any reported issues of sexual misconduct involving staff and/or students.

Getting Help

There are resources both on and off campus for students seeking support after a sexual assault. Students may wish to report the assault immediately to authorities, seek off-campus options for medical treatment or simply talk with someone. You should be aware that WCTC faculty and staff (outside of the College’s counselors) may be subject to various reporting laws.


  • If you are not safe or if you need immediate help please call 911.
  • Wisconsin’s 211 line offers free direction to local human service agencies.
  • Waukesha Memorial Hospital offers Waukesha County’s sexual assault program. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is on-call 24 hours a day through the hospital’s emergency room (262.928.2000).
  • In Milwaukee County, the Aurora Sinai and Aurora West Allis Medical Center locations offer Sexual Assault Treatment Centers. Call 414.219.5555.
  • The Waukesha Women’s Center offers a 24-hour hotline (262.542.3828) as well as services and support for victims of sexual assault, abuse and domestic violence.
  • The National Sexual Assault Hotline, sponsored by RAINN (Rape, Incest & Abuse National Network), can be reached at 1.800.656.HOPE.

On Campus

  • If you are not safe or if you need immediate help, please call 911.
  • While on campus, call 262.691.5582 for campus police.
  • WCTC’s on-campus mental health counselors (C-022) provide support and counseling for students free of charge. Licensed professional counselors at the College may be considered confidential reporting resources.
  • At the Student Life Office (C-121), you may speak to staff about filing a report or receiving direction to services.
  • Seek out a campus employee to assist you in getting appropriate help.

Bystander Intervention

Everyone has the ability to help create a culture of civility, respect and responsibility on campus and in the community. WCTC encourages staff and students to move beyond bystanders to someone who is equipped to safely and effectively intervene.

If you witness a potentially concerning situation, you could:

  • Call police.
  • Find a staff member.
  • Grab a friend for backup.
  • Yell for help.
  • Ask a friend in a potentially dangerous situation if he/she wants to leave and then make sure that he/she gets to safety.
  • Ask a victim if he/she is OK. Provide a listening ear and walk through options.
  • Call a local crisis center or stop by a campus office (Student Life, Counseling and Multicultural Engagement Center) for guidance.


Individuals being stalked on College-controlled premises or at College-sponsored events should notify Campus Police or the Student Life Coordinator. If this action is taking place at an off-site location, we strongly suggest you involve law enforcement immediately.

If you have been a victim of stalking and/or have a restraining order against another individual, you should inform Campus Police. This is especially important if the object of the restraining order is a fellow student or employee at the College.

Behaviors that may be defined as stalking include, but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining a visual or physical proximity to the victim.
  • Approaching or confronting the victim.
  • Appearing at the victim’s workplace or contacting coworkers or employers of the victim.
  • Appearing at the victim’s home or contacting the victim’s neighbors.
  • Entering property owned, leased or occupied by the victim.
  • Contacting the victim by telephone repeatedly or continuously causing the victim’s (or another’s) telephone to ring, whether or not a conversation ensues.
  • Photographing, videotaping, audiotaping, or, by other electronic means, monitoring/recording the victim’s activities. (Regardless of where the monitoring takes place).
  • Sending material by any means to the victim or to the victim’s family, member of the victim’s household, employer, coworker or friend in order to obtain information, disseminate information or communicate with the victim.
  • Placing an object on or delivering an object to property owned, leased or occupied by the victim.
  • Delivering objects with the intent of delivery to the victim, or placing objects on property owned, leased or occupied by certain others with intent that it be delivered to the victim.
  • Causing another person to engage in any of the acts described above.

Dating/Relationship Violence

Relationship violence is controlling, abusive and/or aggressive behavior toward a current or former partner. This type of violence may occur in all kinds of relationships (affecting individuals of all ages, races, and backgrounds) and can include verbal, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse. 

The on-campus and off-campus resources listed above for sexual assault may also be used for concerns regarding relationship violence.