Course Listing
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Course Listing

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Summer 2025 Semester Courses

Google IT Security

Course Description

This course covers a wide variety of IT security concepts, tools, and best practices. It introduces threats and attacks and the many ways they can show up, and then discusses encryption algorithms and how they’re used to safeguard data. From there, the course dives into the “three A’s of information security”—authentication, authorization, and accounting. It also covers network security solutions, ranging from firewalls to Wi-Fi encryption options. The course then pulls the subject matter together with a look at how all of those elements can be incorporated into a multilayered, in-depth security architecture. It concludes with recommendations on how to foster a culture of security within a team or an entire organization. People who complete this course will understand the following: How various encryption algorithms and techniques work, and their benefits and limitations, Various authentication systems and types, The difference between authentication and authorization. At the end of this course, learners will be able to do the following: Evaluate potential risks and recommend ways to reduce risk, Make recommendations about how best to secure a network, Help others to understand security concepts and protect themselves.

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Understanding Course Search Results

  • Classes that are currently full are listed in italics. Waitlists for these courses may be available. View waitlists when you register online, or contact Registration at 262.691.5578.
  • + = Course restriction applies, click on the course for more information.
  • Days of the week abbreviations: - Monday; - Tuesday; W - Wednesday; Th - Thursday; F - Friday; S - Saturday; Su - Sunday

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