Customer Service Specialist
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People working in call center

Customer Service Specialist

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Degree Type
16-credit Technical Diploma

Program Code

Time to Degree
Less than 1 year

Start Date
August / January / June

How You'll Learn

  • Hybrid
  • 8-Week Courses
  • Daytime
  • Evening

Now more than ever, good customer service is key to a company’s success. Learn to manage orders efficiently, communicate with customers effectively and address concerns in a professional manner. Hone organization, self-motivation and teamwork skills that can be applied to customer service positions in a wide variety of industries.

How To Apply

  • Apply online and pay the $30 application fee.
  • Submit a copy of one of the following to demonstrate your reading and writing skills:
    • High school GPA of 2.60 or above. Transcript must include completed coursework through the 11th grade.*
    • ACT, ACCUPLACER® or GED - 2014 Series (165 or higher).*
    • Prior college coursework may meet this requirement in whole or in part. Courses must be in the specific area(s), and you must have earned a grade of C or better (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) in the courses.*
    • If none of the above apply, sign up for the ACCUPLACER® placement test.

*Unofficial copies of these documents can be sent to

Questions on the application process? Visit the Admissions page or contact an enrollment counselor.

Program Details

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Potential Careers

If you enjoy working with people, can think on your feet and have strong problem-solving skills, a career in customer service may be for you. With a degree in customer service, you can find job opportunities in a wide range of industries, products and services.

  • Customer Service Manager
  • Guest Relations Specialist
  • Call Center Representative
  • Help Desk Technician
High School Eligibility

This program is open to qualified high school applicants. Learn more >

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Career Salaries

$31,800-$51,500, plus potential commission opportunities

Salary range estimates based on wages for related occupations in Waukesha County as reported by Lightcast. Individual wages may vary based on experience, industry, location and specific job requirements. Find our graduates' entry wages in the most recent Graduate Success Report.

Financial Aid

As a program student, you are eligible to receive:

  • Financial aid loans
  • Scholarships
  • Other forms of assistance

Learn more about financial aid.

What Makes This Program Unique

  1. Use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software throughout the curriculum, gaining hands-on experience with industry technology.
  2. Gain exposure to current industry trends through projects and guest speakers from local organizations.
  3. Students can earn a related credential in Business Management through the completion of this program.

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