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Aerial view of WCTC Pewaukee Campus in spring

Campus Assessment, Response and Education (CARE) Team

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Together, all WCTC students, faculty and staff play an important role in creating and maintaining a safe campus environment. One way we do that is through WCTC’s Campus Assessment, Response and Education (CARE) Team, which aims to identify concerning behaviors early and intervene as necessary to prevent escalation and reduce the risk of violence on campus.

This multidisciplinary team includes Student Services leadership, counselors and staff from Student Accessibility, Mental Health Counseling, the Office of Belonging, Access and Cultural Engagement (BACE), Campus Security, Academic Affairs and Student Life.

Jonathan Pedraza, Dean of Students

How can I make a report?

In situations of imminent danger or immediate threat to persons or property, contact 911. In situations of non-imminent danger, we encourage you to report concerns via the online report. You may file a report anonymously, but we recommend you provide contact information for follow-up purposes.

If you observe behavior that can be interpreted as a threat to self, others or property, you should immediately report it to Campus Security at 262.691.5582.

What should be reported?

  • Aggressive, disruptive, disturbing, destructive or intimidating behaviors
  • Suicidal thoughts, writing and behavior (cutting, etc.)
  • Sudden changes in academic performance or personal appearance (inability to care for oneself)
  • Appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol on campus
  • Changing patterns in interactions, communications or discussion, or class participation
  • Illegal activity (theft, fraud, domestic violence, drug activity, etc.)
  • Unsafe facility conditions (non-working emergency telephones, chemical/biological hazards, wet/loose surfaces, exposed electrical equipment, etc.)
  • Any other behavior that causes concern, no matter how small and even if you lack direct knowledge of what occurred.

One function of the CARE Team is to provide a centralized source of information concerning problematic behaviors so that we can identify patterns. The CARE Team will evaluate reports for further action or continued monitoring. In some cases, the CARE Team may recommend disciplinary action outlined by the Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.