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Credit for National Exams

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Earn Credit for Exams

You can demonstrate your mastery of college-level material and earn WCTC credits by completing national exams from the following entities:

  • AP – CollegeBoard Advanced Placement
  • IB – International Baccalaureate
  • CLEP – College Level Examination Program
  • DSST – formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests

Ollie's Compass

Review Approved Exams

Review the list of national exams approved for WCTC course credit and their required scores. 
School Codes: AP: 0724 | CLEP: 4521 | DSST: 8051

Explore Testing Services

Visit the WCTC Testing Center for CLEP/DSST preparation resources, fee information and to schedule your exams.

Submit Scores

Submit your official scores to the WCTC Admissions Office for evaluation.

Important Information

  • You must complete 25 percent of your program coursework in residence at WCTC. For certificates of 12 credits or less, you must complete at least one of the certificate courses in residence. Credits awarded through national exams do not count as credits earned in residence.
  • Credits earned from national exams are not calculated in your grade point average.
  • If you receive credit by completing a national exam, then you are exempt from taking the associated course.
  • Credits earned from national exams may affect veteran benefits and financial aid. Review the 150 percent maximum credit policy and consult with the Financial Aid Office for more information.
  • Review credit awarded through your myWCTC account in the “Academic Profile” box, then click “View Transcript."