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HVAC students and instructor

Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heating Service Technician

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Degree Type
28-credit Technical Diploma

Program Code

Time to Degree
1 year

Start Date
August / January

How You'll Learn

  • On Campus
  • 8-Week Courses
  • Daytime
  • Evening

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are critical in residential, commercial and industrial settings, and this field is one of the fastest-growing skilled trades. In this program, learn to safely install, maintain and service HVAC equipment.

How To Apply

Questions on the application process? Visit the Admissions page or contact an enrollment counselor.

Program Details

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Potential Careers

Those working in HVAC are troubleshooting masters. They often receive calls about heating/cooling issues and, based on limited information, try to determine what the problem may be in advance of checking out the system. If you possess strong mechanical and problem-solving skills, this may be a career for you.

  • HVAC Service Technician
  • HVAC Service Mechanic
  • Install Service Technician
  • Air Conditioning Technician
  • Refrigeration Technician
High School Eligibility

This program is open to qualified high school applicants. Learn more >

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Career Salaries

$48,400 – $78,000 annually

Salary range estimates based on wages for related occupations in Waukesha County as reported by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI). Individual wages may vary based on experience, industry, location and specific job requirements.

Check the WCTC Graduate Success Report to view our graduates’ entry wages.

Financial Aid

As a program student, you are eligible to receive:

  • Financial aid loans
  • Scholarships
  • Other forms of assistance

Learn more about financial aid.

What Makes This Program Unique

  1. As a program student, you will have the opportunity to earn the EPA 608 Refrigeration Certificate.
  2. Two-thirds of this program is dedicated to hands-on lab work, while one-third features classroom learning.
  3. Job placement rates are high for program graduates; many opportunities exist for careers in residential and commercial settings.

HVAC student and instructor

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