Whether you're a student at WCTC or enrolled at another college or university, WCTC has a wide variety of courses that can meet your general education requirements.
WCTC's general education courses are offered face-to-face, online or in a hybrid format. Many courses are offered on evenings and weekends. With 8-week terms, you can finish most classes in just 8 weeks, rather than the traditional 16.
Contact the receiving institution to find out which courses will transfer into your program.
Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Looking for a different semester? Use our convenient Course Search tool.
If you’re interested in taking a class and are not seeking a degree or financial aid, no application is necessary. When you’re ready, follow our simple registration steps for course-takers.
Register for Courses