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Internet Policy

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Acceptable Use

It is acceptable to use WCTC internet and email access for purposes relating directly to education, research required from assigned classwork or job seeking.

Unacceptable Use

It is not acceptable to use WCTC internet and email in any way that may interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment. You may not use College internet resources for:

  • Distributing unsolicited advertising.
  • Downloading, accessing, creating, displaying, transmitting or storing:
  • Obscene, profane, abusive, defamatory, derogatory, threatening or sexually explicit language or graphic representation.
  • Statements or graphic representations that may be construed as discriminatory or offensive to race, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or other legally protected criteria.
  • Propagation of computer worms or viruses.
  • Downloading entertainment software or games.
  • Playing games against opponents.
  • Downloading, storing or forwarding, music, audio, video, photos or graphics not directly related to coursework.
  • Using instant messaging, chat or email during classroom testing.
  • Downloading any software unless directed by your instructor.
  • Uploading any software licensed to the College or data owned by the College without the express authorization of the administrator responsible for the software or data.
  • Commercial or other activities conducted for personal gain.
  • Religious causes.
  • Solicitations not approved by the College.
  • Political activity including fundraising and lobbying.
  • Making unauthorized entry to computational information, communications devices or resources.
  • Vandalism and mischief that incapacitates, compromises or destroys WCTC resources and/or violates federal and/or state laws.
  • Violating software copyrights and usage licensing agreements; or violating any federal, state or local law/regulation or College policy/procedure.