Small Business Center Closed

We have had the privilege to serve the community and entrepreneurs by providing free and low-cost classes and programming for the last 23 years. Due to declining enrollments in Small Business Center courses and growing demands in new areas, WCTC will conclude Small Business Center classes and programming by June 2024. The decision to end these services is not taken lightly. This decline, coupled with our commitment to innovation and growth, has prompted us to invest in new initiatives that our business and industry partners in Waukesha County are seeking from WCTC. These areas include further investment into automation, artificial intelligence, and the WCTC Applied AI Lab. 

While we understand that this change may cause inconvenience, we believe it is necessary to adapt to ensure the long-term sustainability of our organization. For anyone seeking additional small business and entrepreneurial resources, we encourage you to connect with the following organizations that offer similar courses and services: