Your educational and career goals are not only within reach, they’re more attainable than ever. Explore our programs below to find the path that inspires you.
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175 Results Listed
Associate Degrees
Technical Diplomas
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If you want a bachelor's degree without the university-sized price tag, you've come to the right place! With a Liberal Arts Transfer Degree from WCTC, you'll build a customized course plan with credits that transfer seamlessly into four-year colleges and universities.
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A nontraditional occupation (NTO) is any job in which your gender makes up less than 25 percent of the workforce — for example, women in the skilled trades or men in healthcare. We love seeing our students break through barriers in industries historically dominated by one gender.
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A WCTC degree or certificate can take you in a variety of interesting directions, from construction technology to culinary management to early childhood education. How do you choose the right path for you? We're here to help!
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