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Summer 2025 Semester Courses

Intro to Homeland Security

Course Description

Introduction to the concept of homeland security. Defines and explains homeland security. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will be thoroughly analyzed and its mission will be investigated. Also addresses chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive devices and the use of these weapons of mass destruction. The importance and basic elements of a planned response, methods used to prevent the importation of weapons of mass destruction into the U.S., and what is being and what can be done to prevent another large-scale terrorist incident in the United States will be covered. Students will also learn the Incident Command System required by National Incident Management System as well as the National Emergency Response System.

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  • Classes that are currently full are listed in italics. Waitlists for these courses may be available. View waitlists when you register online, or contact Registration at 262.691.5578.
  • + = Course restriction applies, click on the course for more information.
  • Days of the week abbreviations: - Monday; - Tuesday; W - Wednesday; Th - Thursday; F - Friday; S - Saturday; Su - Sunday

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