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Summer 2025 Semester Courses

Google Technical Support Fund

Course Description

In this course, learners are introduced to the world of information technology, or IT. Participants will learn about the different facets of IT, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, and job-related skills. They will also learn about the history of computers, and the pioneers who shaped the world of computing that we know today. This course covers a wide variety of topics, and it is designed to give an overview of what’s to come in the Google IT Support Professional Certificate coursework. People who complete this course will be able to do the following: Understand how the binary system works, Assemble a computer from scratch, Choose an operating system and install it on a computer, Understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world, Learn how applications are created and how they work inside computers, Utilize common problem-solving methods and soft skills in an IT setting.

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Understanding Course Search Results

  • Classes that are currently full are listed in italics. Waitlists for these courses may be available. View waitlists when you register online, or contact Registration at 262.691.5578.
  • + = Course restriction applies, click on the course for more information.
  • Days of the week abbreviations: - Monday; - Tuesday; W - Wednesday; Th - Thursday; F - Friday; S - Saturday; Su - Sunday

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